Thursday, September 27, 2007
Wednesday, September 26, 2007

It’s very funny - really it is!
I am amazed with how clever man is:
Hooked noses I see and bared teeth,
As if I’m at the carnival in Venice.
They come on me - bright costumes trimmed with lace,
I’m pulled inside, I’m being pinched and shaken;
Well, now I see - my normal human face
By all of them just for a mask was taken!
Confetti, fire works... I feel I don’t belong,
They look reprovingly at me, discomfort grows.
They yell at me that all my steps are wrong,
They yell I’m stepping on my partners’ toes.
Should I escape from this unreal feast?
Or should I join this merry-go-round?
I hope that beneath the masks of beasts
Still human faces can sometimes be found.
These characters all come from tales or books,
These wigs and masks are brown, yellow, ruby...
My neighbor’s Harlequin who has unhappy looks,
The next one’s Hangman, while the other’s Booby.
One tries to show people: all is well!
Behind the mask the other hides despair...
Some other men can no longer tell
Their real faces from the masks they wear!
I join their dance, I laugh with them, although,
I’m not convinced that it’s the right endeavor:
Say, someone likes the mask of Hangman so
That he would like to keep this mask forever...
Say, Harlequin remains forever sad,
Enjoying his abnormal wistful image...
What if the foolish looks this Booby’s had
Remain forever on his real visage?
“Who’s honest here? - yet my soul asks, -
Is there a kind face in this whirl-around?”
Now all have learned to put on different masks
To save their faces if they hit the ground.
I know why these masks are often worn,
I know why they are preferred by people -
The mask of coldness and total unconcern
Protects a man against a slap or spittle!
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
-й куплет:
Россия - священная наша держава,
Россия - любимая наша страна.
Могучая воля, великая слава -
Твое достоянье на все времена!
Славься, Отечество наше свободное,
Братских народов союз вековой,
Предками данная мудрость народная!
Славься, страна! Мы гордимся тобой!
2-й куплет:
От южных морей до полярного края
Раскинулись наши леса и поля.
Одна ты на свете! Одна ты такая -
Хранимая Богом родная земля!
Славься, Отечество наше свободное,
Братских народов союз вековой,
Предками данная мудрость народная!
Славься, страна! Мы гордимся тобой!
3-й куплет
Широкий простор для мечты и для жизни
Грядущие нам открывают года.
Нам силу дает наша верность Отчизне.
Так было, так есть и так будет всегда!
Славься, Отечество наше свободное,
Братских народов союз вековой,
Предками данная мудрость народная!
Славься, страна! Мы гордимся тобой!
National Anthem of the Russian Federation
(music by A. Aleksandrov, words by S. Mikhailov)
1st verse:
Russia - our sacred sovereignty,
Russia - our beloved land,
Mighty will, great glory -
Are yours for all time!
Be praised, our free Fatherland,
Union of ancient fraternal peoples,
By our forefathers was given the wisdom of the nation,
Be praised, our land! We are proud of you!
2nd verse:
From the southern seas to the polar lands
Are spread our forests and fields.
You are unique in the world! Such is only you -
Our native land kept by God!
Be praised, our free Fatherland,
Union of ancient fraternal peoples,
By our forefathers was given the wisdom of the nation,
Be praised, our land! We are proud of you!
3rd verse:
A wide expanse for dreams and for life
The coming years open up to us.
Our loyalty to the Fatherland gives us strength.
So it was, so it is, so it will be always!
Be praised, our free Fatherland,
Union of ancient fraternal peoples,
By our forefathers was given the wisdom of the nation,
Be praised, our land! We are proud of you!
Friday, September 21, 2007
not again
Anonymous said...
Wow.. this image is fully hot. Regarding the posts (yes I do read these too!) I think while 'fighting' for a better place, against injustice, etc. has its place, appreciation of beauty is a overlooked aspect of contributing to the world around us - yes contributing.. I think it really changes the way we perceive and interact. Wow, that was philosophical.. back to the image, it's fully hot!!
Wow.. this image is fully hot. Regarding the posts (yes I do read these too!) I think while 'fighting' for a better place, against injustice, etc. has its place, appreciation of beauty is a overlooked aspect of contributing to the world around us - yes contributing.. I think it really changes the way we perceive and interact. Wow, that was philosophical.. back to the image, it's fully hot!!
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Mojo solnishko :)
Наконец то купил себе карточку на инет. ))
Привет!!! Как у тебя дела?
У меня деприсняк. Тут пиздец деревня, все как блять правда какие то дикари))) Ну в принципе уже отошол почти. первые 2 дня ваще из дома почти не выходил)) даже не нажрался в первый день))
долетел нормально. ну как нормально почти нормально) проснулся утром в аэропорту, нажрался, потом пошол в 1 на регистрацию и встретил 2 девок из олимпуса с белорусии. до милана с ними долетел. в самолёте ещё немножко накидались) потом один. до москвы когда долетел, там же меня типа нина должна была встретить, а хуй там! и пиздец у меня 30 баксов и 500р. я думал ваще что от аэропорта до аэропорта тока такси, а они пиздец минимум 100 баксов. потом пробил в окне информации про автобусы.. пиздец сначала до метро на автобусе патом в метро чуть не уснул и багаж не проибал, потом ещё раз на автобусе... ну карочи доехал с горем пополам. А! прикинь из метро выхажу а рублей больше нету, нашол обменник а она минять не хочет. типа одна старая, а на другой каккая то печать стоит.. и пиздец чисто повезло что в это вермя хозяин обменника подошол, я его еле уговарил 10 поменять. всё доехал до домодедово, там тусил тусил до регистрации. регистрацию прохожу а у миня перевес 10 кг. на 1000р. ) а у миня всего 20 баксов. говарю ему давай за 5 заплачу а 5 кг выкину. тот такой шопотом положи в паспорт 500 и хуй с ним))) вот так вот мне 2 раза повезло за день)
Ну и все потом прилетел, встретили миня. Катя приехала тожи. )))))) Расстались благополучно) Она прикинь сука 2 месяца с мужиком уже живёт))) И такая давай мне типа ты уехал мне потом показалось что я тебя не люблю, а тебя увидела и поняла что люблю))) ну и я ей тожи рассказал про всё в америке. карочи щас друзья просто хорошие. тут чёта вчера она смс написала типа давай словимся поговарим просто, словились попиздели... а, она такая оварит ну чё ты ко мне как то не так относишься)) я ей сказал что на базу 29 поедим. она такая давай 28 переспим потому что я не хочу чтобы у тебя с кем то секс был))))))))) и ваще давай говарит любовниками чтоли будем))))))))))))))) так что на крайняк у миня вариант есть))))) она ваще мне кажется опять типа хочет отношения замутить, но я ей сразу сказал что не катит.
так что вот так.... ищу себе пока новую жертву)))
ты позвони пацанам, ато они переживают.
в универ пиздец почти не хожу. вернее на пары) в универ то прихожу) а там то пиво то ещё чё нить.
а у нас прикинь тут госнаркоконтроль все сотовые прослушивает) ублюдки.
дорог у нас много отремонтировали.
из универа кто ездил в америку никто не привёз денег. все как мы)
Ладно Юлька, давай пиши. И на СМСКИ отвечай! Всё давай bye! Have a good time!
Привет!!! Как у тебя дела?
У меня деприсняк. Тут пиздец деревня, все как блять правда какие то дикари))) Ну в принципе уже отошол почти. первые 2 дня ваще из дома почти не выходил)) даже не нажрался в первый день))
долетел нормально. ну как нормально почти нормально) проснулся утром в аэропорту, нажрался, потом пошол в 1 на регистрацию и встретил 2 девок из олимпуса с белорусии. до милана с ними долетел. в самолёте ещё немножко накидались) потом один. до москвы когда долетел, там же меня типа нина должна была встретить, а хуй там! и пиздец у меня 30 баксов и 500р. я думал ваще что от аэропорта до аэропорта тока такси, а они пиздец минимум 100 баксов. потом пробил в окне информации про автобусы.. пиздец сначала до метро на автобусе патом в метро чуть не уснул и багаж не проибал, потом ещё раз на автобусе... ну карочи доехал с горем пополам. А! прикинь из метро выхажу а рублей больше нету, нашол обменник а она минять не хочет. типа одна старая, а на другой каккая то печать стоит.. и пиздец чисто повезло что в это вермя хозяин обменника подошол, я его еле уговарил 10 поменять. всё доехал до домодедово, там тусил тусил до регистрации. регистрацию прохожу а у миня перевес 10 кг. на 1000р. ) а у миня всего 20 баксов. говарю ему давай за 5 заплачу а 5 кг выкину. тот такой шопотом положи в паспорт 500 и хуй с ним))) вот так вот мне 2 раза повезло за день)
Ну и все потом прилетел, встретили миня. Катя приехала тожи. )))))) Расстались благополучно) Она прикинь сука 2 месяца с мужиком уже живёт))) И такая давай мне типа ты уехал мне потом показалось что я тебя не люблю, а тебя увидела и поняла что люблю))) ну и я ей тожи рассказал про всё в америке. карочи щас друзья просто хорошие. тут чёта вчера она смс написала типа давай словимся поговарим просто, словились попиздели... а, она такая оварит ну чё ты ко мне как то не так относишься)) я ей сказал что на базу 29 поедим. она такая давай 28 переспим потому что я не хочу чтобы у тебя с кем то секс был))))))))) и ваще давай говарит любовниками чтоли будем))))))))))))))) так что на крайняк у миня вариант есть))))) она ваще мне кажется опять типа хочет отношения замутить, но я ей сразу сказал что не катит.
так что вот так.... ищу себе пока новую жертву)))
ты позвони пацанам, ато они переживают.
в универ пиздец почти не хожу. вернее на пары) в универ то прихожу) а там то пиво то ещё чё нить.
а у нас прикинь тут госнаркоконтроль все сотовые прослушивает) ублюдки.
дорог у нас много отремонтировали.
из универа кто ездил в америку никто не привёз денег. все как мы)
Ладно Юлька, давай пиши. И на СМСКИ отвечай! Всё давай bye! Have a good time!

It's going to happen very soon. The great
event which will end the horror. Which will
end the sorrow. Next Tuesday, when the sun
goes down, I will play the Moonlight Sonata
backwards. This will reverse the effects of
the world's mad plunge into suffering, for
the last 200 million years. What a lovely
night that would be. What a sigh of relief, as
the senile robins become bright red again,
and the retired nightingales, pick up their
dusty tails, and assert the majesty of creation!
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Cookies and will power.
I came into this world as a reject
Look into these eyes then you'll
See the size of the flames (the size of the)
Dwellin' on the past (past)
It's burnin' in my brain (hot)
Everyone that burns has to learn from the pain
Hey I think about the day (days)
My girlie ran away with my pay
When fella's came to (play)
play now she's stuck with my homeez that she fucked (ooh)
and i'm just a sucker with a lump in my
throat (hey)
like a chump (hey)
a like a chump (hey)
like a chump (hey)
like a chump (hey)
a like a chump (hey)
like a chump (hey)
like a chump (hey)
should i be feelin' bad (no)
should i be feelin' good (no)
it's kinda sad i'm the laughing stock of the neighborhood
hey you would think that i'd be movin' on (movin')
but i'm a sucker like i said
fucked up in the head not
an' maybe she just made a mistake
and i should give her a break
my heart'll ache either way
hey what the hell what you want me to say
i won't lie that i can't deny
(chorus) (2x)
i did it all for the nookie (come on) the nookie (come on)
so you can take that cookie and stick it up your (yeah)
stick it up your (yeah) stick it up your (yeah)
stick it up your
why did it take so long
why did i wait so long huh
to figure it out but i didn't
and i'm the only one underneath the sun who didn't get it
i can't believe that i could be decieved (but you were)
by my so-called girl but in reality
had a hidden agenda
she put my tender heart in a blender
and still i surrendered
(hey) like a chump (hey)
a like a chump (hey)
like a chump (hey)
like a chump (hey)
a like a chump (hey)
like a chump (hey)
like a chump
(chorus) (2x)
i'm only human it's so easy for your friends to give you their advice
they'll tell you just let it go (let it go) it's easier said than done
(i appreciate it) i appreciate it i do but just leave me alone
(leave me alone) leave me alone (leave me alone) just leave me alone
and nothing's gonna change 'cause you can go away and i'm just gonna stay here and always be the same (3x)
i'm just gonna staaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyy
well it takes a strong man baby...
I know not everybody has got a body like me,
but i gotta think twice, before i give my heart away,
and i know all the games you play,
cuz i play them too,
oh but i need some time off from that emotion,
time to pick my heart up off the floor,
but that love comes down without devotion,
well it takes a strong man baby,
but i'm showin' you that door,
i gotta have faith
gotta have faith,
gotta have faith,
gotta have faith!
baby, i know you're askin' me to stay,
say please please please don't go away cuz you're givin' me the blues,
baby, your mind made all the words you say,
can't help but think of yesterday and another who tied me down to the lover boy rules,
before this river becomes an ocean, before you pick my heart up off the floor,
well that love comes down without devotion,
well it takes a strong man baby,
but i'm showin' you that door,
i gotta have faith
gotta have faith,
gotta have faith,
gotta have faith!
get tha fuck up!!!
i gotta have faith,
i gotta have faith,
i gotta have faith,
i gotta have faith!
faith! ahhhh faith!! ahhhhh!!!!
Monday, September 17, 2007
When? you put your foot down.
Looks like I'm'a do everything myself,
Maybe I could use some help,
But hell, if you want somethin' done right?
You got to do it yourself.
Maybe life is up and down, (up)
My life's been what to now?
I crawled up your butt from hell.
And that's when things got turn around.
You used be alive, now you feel pathetic.
But now I get it,
What's done is done,
Just leave it alone, and don't regret.
Sometime- something- turn in-to dumb thing.
And that's when you put your foot down.
[chorus start]
Why did I have to go and meet somebody like you?
Why do you have to go and hurt somebody like me?
How could you do somebody like that,
You know that I'm never coming back.
[chorus end]
Looks like I'm going to do everything myself. (everything myself)
Maybe I could use some help,
But hell, if you want somethin' done right?
You just do it yourself. (got it?)
Maybe life is up and down.
But my life's been what to now? (got it?)
I crawled up your butt from hell. (got it?)
And that's when shit got turn around. (got it?)
You used be alive, now yo so pathetic.
But now I get it,
What's done is done,
I know, you just LEAVE IT ALONE, and don't regret.
Sometime- Somethings- turn into dumb things.
And that's when you put your foot down. (your foot down)
[chorus start]
Why did I have to go and meet somebody like you?
Why do you have to go and hurt somebody like me?
How could you do somebody like that,
You know that I'm never coming back.
Why did I have to go and meet somebody like you?
Why do you have to go and hurt somebody like me?
How could you do somebody like that,
You know that I'm never coming back.
[chorus end]
Depending on you is done. (is done)
Giving to you is done.
No more reasons, no sleeping, no living,
It's all just what giving to you and I'm done. (and I'm done)
Depending on you is done. (is done)
Giving to you is done. (is done)
No more reasons, no sleeping, no living,
It's all just what giving to you and I'm done. (and I'm done)
But hiding from you IS DONE. (is done)
But lying from you is done.
No more reasons, no sleeping, no living,
It's all just what giving to you and I'm done. (and I'm done)
[chorus start]
Why did I have to go and meet somebody like you?
Why do you have to go and hurt somebody like me?
How could you do somebody like that,
You know that I'm never coming back.
Why did I have to go and meet somebody like you?
Why do you have to go and hurt somebody like me?
How could you do somebody like that,
You know that I'm never coming back.
[chorus end]
But why?
(you've been some (???))
The secret.
Put your heart, mind, intellect and soul even to your smallest acts. This is the secret of succsess.
~Swami Sivananda (don't know who the hell is that but sounds like a passionate person).
~Swami Sivananda (don't know who the hell is that but sounds like a passionate person).
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Repeat until end
All I want right now is lay down next to my Mama, and feel her warm palm on my forehead.
Graffiti decorations
Under the sky of dust
A constant wave of tension
On top of broken trust
The lessons that you taught me
I learned were never true
Pre chorus:
Now I find myself in question
They point the finger at me again
Guilty by association
You point the finger at me again
I wanna run away
Never say goodbye
I wanna know the truth
Instead of wondering why
I wanna know the answers
No more lies
I wanna shut the door
And open up my mind
Paper bags and angry voices
Under a sky of dust
Another wave of tension
Has more than filled me up
All my talk of taking action
These words were never true
Pre chorus
I’m gonna run away, and never say goodbye
Gonna run away (2x)
I’m gonna run away and never wonder why
Gonna run away (2x)
I’m gonna run away and open up my mind
Gonna run away (4x)
I wanna run away and open up my mind (Repeat until end)
Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Limp Bizkit - My Generation
If only we could fly, Limp Bizkit style. John Otto, take 'em to the Matthew's bridge. Can ya feel it? My g-g-generation, get up. My g-g-generation, are you ready?
Do you know where you are? Welcome to the jungle punk, take a look around. It's Limp Bizkit fuckin' up your town, we download in the shockwave. For all the ladies in the cave, to get your groove on, and maybe your the one who flew over the cuckoo's nest. Well, guess who's next. Generation x, generation strange. Sun don't even shine through a window pane.
So go ahead and talk shit, talk shit about me, and go ahead and talk shit. About my g-g-generation!
We don't, don't give a fuck, and we wont ever give a fuck un, til you, you give a fuck about me and my generation.
Hey kid, take my advice, ya don't wanna step into a big pile of shit. The captain is drunk, your world is titanic. Floatin' on the funk, so get your groove on, and maybe I am just a little fucked up. Life's just a little fucked up. Generation x, generation strange. Sun don't even shine through the window pane.
So go ahead and talk shit, talk shit about me, and go ahead and talk shit about my g-g-generation.
(Chorus 2x) Who gets the blame, you get the blame and I get the blame. Who gets the blame, you get the blame and I get the blame, but do you think we can fly? Do you think we can fly? Do yoooooooou think we can fly? Well I do, I do......FLY!
DJ Lethal, bring it on. Ooooooooooh yea, come on!
So go ahead and talk shit, talk shit about me and go ahead and talk shit about my g-g-generation.
(Chorus 2x)
Oh yea
Don't get it.
It's nice to know that nobody reads it, cuz then I don't have to think much. But then, what's the point?