Thursday, March 13, 2008

“The strongest man in the world is he who stands most alone”

-Henrik Ibsen

Social influence - is when the actions or thoughts of individuals are changed by other individuals. Examples of social influence can be seen in socialization and peer pressure. This is the effect of other people on a person's behaviour. Social Influence can also be covered as a type of persuasion.

I mean, really - how many things a day people actually do or say that consciously are coming from them. From the realization that this is what I want. I mean this is what they want...
Ooops got lost somehwere there...


Habit, fear, egoism in the mix with this revolting sickening cocktail of social influence and pressure build a fine road for a smooth ride.

I always loved rollercoasters. And always paid for the ride with loneliness - pretty much none of my friends can handle the ride. So I’d usually take it myself (i'm nice) =).
So far it was worth it.

Do i want kids? I'd know for sure - if I could find out how strong they'd become, I guess. I don't want to be responsible for another lemming filling up the world.

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