Friday, April 4, 2008

Ice Breaker

So I just farted at work!!!!!
And it so fucking queit at work.

I am to embarresed to look at anyone. Man!
And I know... I know... everyone does it. But fuck!!!!

I probably need to check out some anonymus employee intervention program or something now...

And it would probably be funny if I wasn't serious.


so I did it and next minute I know - I had this "do-do-do-di-da-da-do" face... But there was nobody around!!! Nobody! And where are all those fucking annoying messengers who hang by all the fucking time when you need the most?!! lol

So now, to make it worse, every time I look at anybody I can't help but to laugh and change my face color according to rainbow spectrum.

yeah... that's the topic that has been occupying my brain.

funny, how people are trying to make me feel better though. One guy even brought cake!
So keep in mind if there is a tense situation (in all aspekts of that word), feel free - it breaks the ice instantly!!!

PS: I am really loving how this little diary works for me.

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